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SPACE Treatment

Supportive Parenting for 
Anxious Childhood Emotions

SPACE sets out to address childhood anxiety with a focus on the behaviors of parents who frequently, and inadvertently, support child anxiety through their accommodations. 


Founding director of Parent to Child, Dr. Kathryn Snyder, and Art Therapist Lana Sommers, use SPACE’s special tools and techniques in their treatment with children. They also use its protocols when working with parents. The goal: to solve the cycle of anxious behaviors in families.


Therapists work with parents to:


  • Identify the traps of accommodation.

  • Create an effective and manageable plan.

  • Fight their own inclinations to protect their child from experiencing strong emotions.

  • Set up environmental supports as needed.


Dr. Kathryn Snyder

Founding Director


Lana Sommers

Art Therapist

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